Discounts: Discounts that occasionally become available will be placed here. Currently the new customer discount of $5.00 off each visit is the only discount available. There are 2 ways to get the new customer discount. First, it must be the first time you used Gopher Services, and second if you refer someone who hires Gopher Services.
Make your pet a STAR with a pet t-shirt!
You can make your pet a star by having a "STAR!" t-shirt made with your pets cutest picture. Click here to see some samples. Simply send a photo of your pet along with the size you need, how many you would like to purchase, and $25.00 for each shirt. Please include an additional $5.00 shipping and handling for every two t-shirts you wish to purchase. You also have the option to buy the iron on transfer and iron it on yourself. One iron on transfer is $10.00, and two is $15.00. There is also no postage for the purchase of iron on transfers.
Cool Stuff: 1. 2002 Gopher Calander - Free, just send a SASE. 2. The Pet Directory - List all pet services, vets, and stores in Biloxi, D'Iberville, Gulfport, and Ocean Springs Mississippi. $2.00. 3. The Pet Gormet - A recipe book for home made pet food consisting primarily of dog and cat recipies. It does also contain some other pet recipies. $5.00.
To place an order, simply write down what you want along with your name and address and mail it to the gopher. Include $1.00 postage for every 2 booklets ordered.
A little something extra!
If you like to do crafts or know some one who does, then check out this craft site. You can get free directions for many craft projects, or if you prefer, you can purchase completed projects. Just click on Free Crafts below.
Starting in March 2003, the Gopher will put a recipe for home made pet food on this web site from the Pet Gourmet recipe book. Every month will be a different recipe. Be sure to check back to see what kind of treat you can make for your best pet friend.